ALAGOAS – SSP comemora um ano do CeiEducar e lança cursos para profissionais de segurança durante solenidade especial

A Security Secretary of the State of Alagoas (SSP/AL) celebrated the one-year anniversary of CeiEducar and launched new courses for security professionals. The event took place at the Uninassau auditorium in the Farol neighborhood of Maceió. During the ceremony, individuals who have contributed to the platform and training were honored for their dedication and commitment.

The Chief of Integrated Teaching (CEI) at the Security Secretary of the State of Alagoas introduced two new courses aimed at professionals in law enforcement and emergency services in the state. The courses were launched during a special event commemorating the first year of the Cei Educar virtual learning environment, which serves as the online platform for the department’s training programs.

The courses introduced are focused on the role of security professionals in protecting vulnerable groups and providing assistance to victims of domestic violence. The goal of these training programs is to improve the effectiveness and quality of public service provided by the security personnel in order to better serve the community.

The initiative was praised by officials present at the event, including the superintendent of Strategic Management and Integration Policies of SSP, Colonel Jairisson Melo, the chief of Women’s Safety Policies, Colonel Camila Paiva, and the head of Teaching, Major Joyce Bezerra. They highlighted the importance of continuous training and education for security professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge.

The success of the first edition of the course focused on assisting women victims of domestic violence led to the development of the second edition, which aims to further address this critical issue. The commitment of the management to combat crimes against women was emphasized by Colonel Camila, who praised the dedication of the participants and the impact of the training program.

The use of the digital platform for training purposes was also commended by the superintendent of Strategic Management and Integration Policies of the Security Secretary, underscoring the importance of using technology to reach a wider audience and provide efficient and rapid training opportunities for security personnel.

In addition, the ceremony included tributes to individuals who have made significant contributions to the development and maintenance of Cei Educar. A special recognition was given to instructors of the domestic violence assistance course for their dedication and efforts in training over nine thousand security agents.

Overall, the event highlighted the ongoing commitment of the Security Secretary of the State of Alagoas to professional development and training for security personnel, with a focus on providing quality service and addressing key issues in the field of security and public safety.

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